Friday, June 21, 2024

Joseph Dosch

If you didn't know it... undergraduate research is HUGE at Carnegie Mellon. It's where I got my start. Right here in what is now my very own labs-- but at that time they belonged to Dr. Rick McCullough

Today's researcher is part of our vibrant undergraduate research culture. Please say hi to Joe!

Name: Joseph Dosch

Hometown: Pittsburgh

Education/ Experience/ Awards: Carnegie Mellon Chemistry major, Biomedical Engineering minor, CMU Chemistry SURF 2023, Pitt Pharmacology SURF 2024

Team Sydlik Member since: January 2023

Research Project: Adsorbent properties of Activated Charcoal, Aromatic Peptide Amphiphiles

Favorite thing about CMU/ the Sydlik Group: The group members generally like each other and can joke around which makes for a positive research environment.

Least favorite thing about CMU/ the Sydlik Group: When I put a lot of effort into an experiment and the data is terrible or I spill everything.

Favorite thing to do in Pittsburgh: Live in it (best city)

Fun fact: Cannot solve a rubik's cube

I am Joe Dosch, a senior Chemistry major at Carnegie Mellon. I have been a part of the Sydlik lab working with Hunter Wood and Stella Trickett since the spring of 2023. My research involves analyzing the adsorbent properties of activated charcoal, synthesizing/characterizing peptide amphiphiles as a biocompatible adsorbent, and obeying Hunter’s demands. If I am not in the lab doing yet another NCA synthesis, I am probably doing homework, at a Steelers game, or playing ultimate frisbee for Carnegie Mellon’s club team.

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