Friday, June 28, 2024

Hunter Wood

Hunter Wood

Walnut Creek, California

Education/ Experience/ Awards: 
B.S. Chemistry, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (2016-2020)
Manufacturing Associate, Promega Corporation (2020-2021)
Carnegie Mellon Graduate Student Vice President of Academic Affairs (2023-2024)
Ph.D. Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University (2021-present) 

Team Sydlik Member since? 
August 2021 

Research Projects:
Development of peptide adsorbent biomaterials for drug adsorption, development of peptide biomaterials for heavy metal chelation, toxicological studies of drug adsorption to activated charcoal, evaluation of phage therapy through bacterial cell wall characterization 

Favorite thing about CMU/ the Sydlik Group: 
Stefanie's baked goods for group meeting

Least favorite thing about CMU/ the Sydlik Group: 
The elevator by our lab being broken literally all the time and having to walk up and down the stairs to the office 

Favorite thing to do in Pittsburgh: 
Research!!! (just kidding probably getting coffee at KLVN) 

Fun fact: 

I love watching The Real Housewives and recently also started watching Desperate Housewives

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