Friday, June 28, 2024

Hunter Wood

Hunter Wood

Walnut Creek, California

Education/ Experience/ Awards: 
B.S. Chemistry, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (2016-2020)
Manufacturing Associate, Promega Corporation (2020-2021)
Carnegie Mellon Graduate Student Vice President of Academic Affairs (2023-2024)
Ph.D. Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University (2021-present) 

Team Sydlik Member since? 
August 2021 

Research Projects:
Development of peptide adsorbent biomaterials for drug adsorption, development of peptide biomaterials for heavy metal chelation, toxicological studies of drug adsorption to activated charcoal, evaluation of phage therapy through bacterial cell wall characterization 

Favorite thing about CMU/ the Sydlik Group: 
Stefanie's baked goods for group meeting

Least favorite thing about CMU/ the Sydlik Group: 
The elevator by our lab being broken literally all the time and having to walk up and down the stairs to the office 

Favorite thing to do in Pittsburgh: 
Research!!! (just kidding probably getting coffee at KLVN) 

Fun fact: 

I love watching The Real Housewives and recently also started watching Desperate Housewives

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Walker Vickery

 Up next is our PhD student closest to his defense... meet 5th year PhD student, Walker! (soon to be Dr. Vickery!)

Walker Vickery
Lexington, KY
Undergraduate: Centre College
Joined Sydlik group in 2019
Research: I am working on upcycling commodity plastics by depolymerizing and covalently attaching the oligomers to graphene oxide. The grafted materials will be used as plastic fillers to enhance their physical properties and degradation timeline.
Favorite thing about CMU: The Mellon Institute is a short walk away from a lot of food, museums, and parks, if you need to take a break
Least favorite thing about CMU: The eternal search for an XPS that will last longer than 6 months ðŸ™ƒ
Favorite thing to do in Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh is just large enough to have a lot of musical artists come visit! If you like live music it's a good city for it.
Fun Fact: I did some glassblowing as an undergraduate, which Pittsburgh is also well known for!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Sebastian Guajardo

Today's researcher hails from Chile and is almost done with his qualifying exams... meet soon to be PhD candidate Sebastian!

Name: Sebastian Guajardo

Hometown: Victoria, Chile

Education/ Experience/ Awards:

·       2012-2018: BS in Chemical Engineering, University of Concepcion, Chile

·       2018-2020: MS in Chemical Engineering, University of Concepcion, Chile

·       2021-2022: Research Assistant, Transformative Biomaterials and Biotechnology Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA

·       2023-…: PhD in Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

·       Fulbright Scholar (Equal Opportunities Scholarship, Fulbright-ANID, for doctoral studies in the US)

Team Sydlik Member since January 2023.

Research Project: Biomaterials development for heavy metal removal

Favorite thing about CMU/ the Sydlik Group: The people (subject to reassessment)

Least favorite thing about CMU/ the Sydlik Group: Walking from Mellon to Main Campus for material testing during summer. I hate the heat and humidity!

Favorite thing to do in Pittsburgh: Just explore and try new activities in the city. Pittsburgh seems like an interesting place to me.

Fun fact: Soccer is the real football! Anyways… GO STEELERS!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Joseph Dosch

If you didn't know it... undergraduate research is HUGE at Carnegie Mellon. It's where I got my start. Right here in what is now my very own labs-- but at that time they belonged to Dr. Rick McCullough

Today's researcher is part of our vibrant undergraduate research culture. Please say hi to Joe!

Name: Joseph Dosch

Hometown: Pittsburgh

Education/ Experience/ Awards: Carnegie Mellon Chemistry major, Biomedical Engineering minor, CMU Chemistry SURF 2023, Pitt Pharmacology SURF 2024

Team Sydlik Member since: January 2023

Research Project: Adsorbent properties of Activated Charcoal, Aromatic Peptide Amphiphiles

Favorite thing about CMU/ the Sydlik Group: The group members generally like each other and can joke around which makes for a positive research environment.

Least favorite thing about CMU/ the Sydlik Group: When I put a lot of effort into an experiment and the data is terrible or I spill everything.

Favorite thing to do in Pittsburgh: Live in it (best city)

Fun fact: Cannot solve a rubik's cube

I am Joe Dosch, a senior Chemistry major at Carnegie Mellon. I have been a part of the Sydlik lab working with Hunter Wood and Stella Trickett since the spring of 2023. My research involves analyzing the adsorbent properties of activated charcoal, synthesizing/characterizing peptide amphiphiles as a biocompatible adsorbent, and obeying Hunter’s demands. If I am not in the lab doing yet another NCA synthesis, I am probably doing homework, at a Steelers game, or playing ultimate frisbee for Carnegie Mellon’s club team.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Max (Chenyun) Deng

All these years later, I'm going to see if I can get the group members to finally introduce themselves on the website... first up is Max! Max joined the group in the fall of 2022 as a Biomedical Engineering MS student. After earning his MS in December he transitioned to a Research Assistant in the group and will be starting as a Chemistry PhD student in the fall. Even though he's been around for a while, we are excited to welcome Max!

Name: Max (Chenyun) Deng
Hometown: Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China
Education/ Experience/ Awards: 
      2016-20, BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University Health Science Center
      2020-22, MS in Medicinal Chemistry, Peking University Health Science Center
      2022-23, MS in Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
      2024, Research Assistant, Team Sydlik, Carnegie Mellon University
      2024.8-, PhD student, Team Sydlik, Carnegie Mellon University
Team Sydlik Member since? Oct 2022
Research Project: I guess continuing research on CaPG-related stuff?
Favorite thing about CMU/ the Sydlik Group: I can have memes and roast someone (looking at Jason🤣) in my research/weekly 1v1 updates!
Least favorite thing about CMU/ the Sydlik Group: Hot pressing 100+ pellets for cell experiments
Favorite thing to do in Pittsburgh: Watching Steelers games
Fun fact: I had to cut my hair short but will do dye my hair blue again like the last time!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Team Sydlik Takes MARM!

When I was a student, I always wondered why professors' websites were out of date. When I became a new professor, I chose to use a Blog for my website so it was easy to update... and yet here we are! Only one update in the last 5 years 😳😂😅 At least you can see from Google Scholar that we've been doing some fun science and from @bunniesofochem (Instagram) that bunnies have a good time with Team Sydlik! (Forget about X... once it stopped being Twitter, it stopped being fun.) Anyways, the truth of this matter is that professors have too much to do and too little time and if we don't update our websites, everyone in our group still gets paid and our courses still get taught. None of our promotion or retention is based on how good our website is... so it slips to the bottom of the priority list. That's not to say that recruiting is not important! I'm chair of our admissions committee so prospective graduate students are a top priority to me. If you have any questions, just reach out and ask! (And if you don't get a response the first time... try again! I get at least 100 emails I have to respond to for essentials every day, so often some slip through the cracks.)

Anyways. I promised my students that if they got ice cream together and sent me a picture, I would in turn update the website. So here goes...

Last week (June 5-8) Team Sydlik visited Penn State University for the ACS Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting. 5 team members presented including Dr. Juhi Singh (PD), Walker Vickery (PhD 5), Sebastian Guarjardo (PhD 2), Jacob Kadir (UG), and Dr. Annie Arnold (Lab Manager/ Group Leader/ Cat Herder). Enriching science was shared and learned. The real highlight of the trip though, was the trip for group ice cream at the Penn State Creamery!

L to R: Sebastian, Walker, Juhi, Annie, Jacob.
I don't see proof of ice cream, but I trust that it was so good that it disappeared immediately ;)

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Archived Welcome Page

 The old welcome page... retired June of 2024 (Yikes! 8 years already after it was created!)

The Sydlik Group is a polymer and material research group in the Chemistry Department at Carnegie Mellon University. We specialize in the design and synthesis of novel polymers and organic materials for use in electronic, mechanical, and biological applications.

The Sydlik Group works in the Mellon Institute (Group picture, April 2016)

And we have all. the. fun. in the lab! (First tissue sample, July 2016)

This one time, we got in a car together and drove all the way to Canada for a conference... #SydlikGroupSelfie (May 2016)
And sometimes I mandate fun: Spring Carnival 2016
Official group colors are lime green and ocean blue. (Prof Sydlik likes bicycles too.)
And there's a bunny. Follow him on Instagram! @ProfBiscuitSydlik